Linking Caribbean Culture Resources and Creative Assets for Tourism Development Opportunities

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Linking Caribbean Culture Resources and Creative Assets for Tourism Development Opportunities
Get to know the 34 Caribbean cultural resources that the UNESCO Transcultura Programme has identified as having the potential to attract visitors and promote more sustainable tourism in the region.
From colonial old towns and fortresses to carnivals and African influenced music, the Caribbean is home to a rich and diverse tangible and intangible heritage resulting from centuries of exchanges and mutual influences between peoples. This is what the Cuban anthropologist Fernando Ortiz called ‘transculturation’, which inspired the name of the UNESCO programme Transcultura: Integrating Cuba, the Caribbean and the European Union through Culture and Creativity. Funded by the European Union, this programme seeks to strengthen culture and creativity in the Caribbean as a source of sustainable development, with tourism playing a crucial role.

To foster better integration between the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and the tourism sector, the Transcultura programme conducted a study to identify resources with the potential to link to tourism that specifically meet the following criteria:
- they create a positive impact for CCI professionals by providing additional opportunities for promotion, collaboration and sales with tourism-related businesses;
- tourists benefit from an enhanced visitor experience through:
- the qualitative upgrade of local cultural tourism offerings;
- a wider range of activities due to an increased availability of services;
- at mass tourism locations and events, an environment more in tune with its local cultural context;
tourism businesses benefit from more satisfied visitors who experience enhanced cultural offerings and services specifically tailored to their needs.
Here is a list of cultural resources and creative assets for tourism development opportunities in the beneficiary states of the Transcultura Programme:
Antigua and Barbuda
1. Lookout nature trail to Shirley Heights
2. Antigua Artisans Travelling Market
3. Plaiting and thatching – the straw industry and the straw markets in the Bahamas

4- Clifton Heritage National Park
5. National Independence Festival for the Creative Arts (NIFCA) Performing Arts Ensemble
6. The industrial heritage of Barbados: the story of sugar and rum
7. Warasara Garifuna Drum School, Punta Gorda
8. Caracol Maya archaeological site

9. Knowledge of the light rum makers
10. Trinidad Crafts and Folk Art

11. Old Mill Cultural Center
12. Cabrits National Park and Fort Shirley
Dominican Republic
13. Cocolo Dance Drama Tradition
14. Music festivals Santo Domingo
15. Traditional mas and small-scale festivals including Jab Jab culture

16. Boat Building Carriacou
17. Aishalton
18. Castellani House
19. Village de Nouille in Croix de Bouquets
20. Rara Leogane
21. Rastafari Indigenous Village and Maroon communities
22. Reggae and other music genres
23. Masquerade Dancing
24. and PRIME Festival
St. Kitts and Nevis
25. Nevis Culturama Festival

26. St. Kitts Scenic Railway
St. Lucia
27. Choisuel village arts and crafts
28. Soufriere Town
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
29. Fort Charlotte
30. La Soufriere Volcanoe
31. Werehpai, rock cravings and indigenous Amazon community
32. Jodensavanne, jewish cemetery
Trinidad and Tobago
33. Tobago Heritage Festival
34. Calypso Music

Click here to access the UNESCO report with the detailed description of this resources.
Learn about these and other cultural attractions at the Caribbean stand at the World Tourism event, supported by the EU-funded UNESCO programme Transcultura.

L’appuntamento con il World Tourism Event for World Heritage Sites è a Genova dal 12 al 14 settembre 2024.
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