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Split – Dalmatia County is located in the south of Croatia, in the central part of the Dalmatia region. It’s known mainly for its beautiful coastline and pleasant Mediterranean climate, but its historical heritage, which dates back to ancient times, should also be highlighted. Central Dalmatia also has a lot to offer in terms of gastronomy, especially the local olive oil and wine which have been awarded several times for their excellence
The World Heritage Sites of Split – Dalmatia Country are five

Split – Diocletian’s palace
Diocletian’s palace is considered to be one of the most valuable examples of preserved Roman architecture in the world. The palace was built by Roman emperor Diocletian in 4th century and it’s the biggest attraction in Split. Initially, the complex was built as a emperor’s residence and as an military camp. The palace has many valuable cultural sights to explore: Cathedral of Saint Domnius, Peristil square, Golden Gate, Silver Gate, Iron Gate, Brass Gate, Vestibule, Temple of Jupiter, Diocletian’s cellars (substructures). The Palace is under UNESCO since 1979.
All important information are listed here: https://visitsplit.com/en/448/

Trogir – Historic city of Trogir
The whole historic city center of Trogir is protected under UNESCO, but the most significant sight is Trogir Cathedral and the west portal at the entrance of the cathedral which was bulit by famous Croatian scluptor Radovan.
All important information are here: https://www.visittrogir.hr/en/

Stari Grad (Hvar) – plain
Stari Grad Plain is an agricultural system of land use implemented by the Greeks during colonisation of the island. The system is based on geometrical parcels of land that are surrounded by walls.
All important information are here: https://whc.unesco.org/en/

Religious event – Procession „Za Križen“ (Hvar)
Procession „Za Križen“, which is maintained for more than 500 years, is inscribed on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Procession starts every year on the night of Maundy Thursday when multitude of believers with cross bearers who take turns during the night, pass through 6 villages (Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Vrboska).
All important information are here: https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/

Lacemaking Hvar (Agava lace)
In Hvar, nuns in Benedictine monastery are known for the making of agava lace. White lace threads are obtained from agava (aloe) plant. The lace is not made according to the predetermined desing, but each nun freely chooses the design.
All important information here:

Split – Dalmatia County Tourist Board is an organization established to promote the destination worldwide and further develop tourism in the area. It’s a regional tourist board that strives to improve quality in all segments of tourism.
Split – Dalmatia County Tourist Board will be present at World Tourism Event in Turin, from 21st to 23rd September 2023.

L’appuntamento con il World Tourism Event for World Heritage Sites è a Torino dal 21 al 23 settembre 2023.
Lo staff del WTE è a disposizione per trovare la migliore soluzione di partecipazione all’evento.
Per informazioni: Tel 0758005434 | mail info@wtevent.it | www.wtevent.it